The Monkey and The Future
ok so Claire is our climber. I came in from the kitchen to the living room to find this:

Then later I saw a foreshadowing of the future..say about 10-12 years from now. (hopefully that long..LOL)

ok so Claire is our climber. I came in from the kitchen to the living room to find this:
Claire has decided to come down with the spotted much for the shots keeping the plague away. She has a mild rash, fever and overall extreme crankiness. If there was a sport called extreme crankiness she would get the gold medal. She has spent the last 3 days walking around whining, hanging on our legs and random sobbing. It's been rather frustrating. We took her to the dr yesterday, he suspects it just a viral type thing since her throat is a tad red, but he said it could be the shots she had 10 days ago. OR it could be a UTI. So instead of making her suffer through a catheter to get a urine sample they sent us home with a bag. Now this bag has adhesive with a hole in the middle that you strap to the unsuspecting toddler's crotch. You can imagine how well that went over. We tried leaked out somehow onto the diaper. So at 6 last night i put a new bag on and waited. And waited, and waited. By 9 pm I put her in our bed with me and she fell asleep. I wanted to keep her close so if she pee'd I could get it to put in the cup. (My God what has become of my life??) Anyway she simply just didn't pee. From 6-11 I gave up and put her in her bed.
We are sitting here on the couch as the little spawnlings have taken over. I don't think we even care at this point. We were out of town for two weeks and then decided at the last minute last Saturday night to get the heck out of Dodge..seeing that 'Dodge' was Meridian, MS and they were about to be hammered by Hurricane Dennis. We left that night around 10 and stopped in Chattanooga at about 3:30 AM. Then Claire..God love her..decided to get up at 7am for the sheer thrill of it. So we got about 3.5 hours of sleep. Then we drove til midnight on Sunday. By the end Lauren was begging for "my house and my bed". Bless her heart.