
it's not pretty

So it's pretty much become WWIII here. Lauren has decided that nothing I say is important enough to turn even one ear toward anymore. She blatantly refuses to follow any directions or orders I give. Think Mutiny on the S.S. Feathersword. Like the Bounty but downscaled. It's not pretty. Example:

Lauren(at crack of dawn):Mommy can I get up?
Mommy: No it's still sleepy time.
(hears feet hitting floor, Lauren enters room)
Mommy: Didn't I JUST tell you it's not time to get up?
Lauren:(smiles and climbs in Mommy's bed)
(Mommy is too exhausted and says just be quiet while you're in here)
Lauren:Mommy can I turn the tv on? Mommy can I watch a movie??
Mommy:NO LAUREN. It's not awake time.

Apparently we live and die by the sun and moon at this house. If the sun is up then we are to be awake..so that means roughly from 6ish AM til about 9PM she should be awake. I don't think so. Not in this house. Sleep is sacred..I cherish sleep. After I spent her first year NOT sleeping..I'm still trying to catch up dangit.

She's pushing her limits big time. I'm assuming it's partly because Milt has started back at school and isn't home as much. Anytime we have a change in routine the girls get out of sorts. But she's never been so openly defiant. She will flat out say No and stick to it. While I admire her determination it doesn't fly here. So she spends many quality moments contemplating life with her butt planted on a chair facing a wall. Hopefully this will get better soon.

Claire however thinks it's just hilarious when Lauren acts like this. The other day Lauren threw a huge fit because she didn't want to take a nap (btw I'd KILL for someone to tell me to take a nap). So Lauren was sitting on the potty sobbing like there was no tomorrow and Claire walks in, looks at her, and just cracks up. You'd have thought Elmo was there sitting on the potty. So I had to sweep in and give her a little talk about sissy having issues and that it wasn't really that funny. And one day she'd probably need therapy about toilets and uncontrollable crying everytime she neared one.

Latest happy moment:
I can whisper I love you to Claire and she whispers it back. All is well once again.