life and a urine bag
Claire has decided to come down with the spotted much for the shots keeping the plague away. She has a mild rash, fever and overall extreme crankiness. If there was a sport called extreme crankiness she would get the gold medal. She has spent the last 3 days walking around whining, hanging on our legs and random sobbing. It's been rather frustrating. We took her to the dr yesterday, he suspects it just a viral type thing since her throat is a tad red, but he said it could be the shots she had 10 days ago. OR it could be a UTI. So instead of making her suffer through a catheter to get a urine sample they sent us home with a bag. Now this bag has adhesive with a hole in the middle that you strap to the unsuspecting toddler's crotch. You can imagine how well that went over. We tried leaked out somehow onto the diaper. So at 6 last night i put a new bag on and waited. And waited, and waited. By 9 pm I put her in our bed with me and she fell asleep. I wanted to keep her close so if she pee'd I could get it to put in the cup. (My God what has become of my life??) Anyway she simply just didn't pee. From 6-11 I gave up and put her in her bed.
By this time Lauren woke up for some reason. I went in there to do mommy duty, oh great protector that I am. She proceeds to tell me she wants a bridge. HUH? I said a BRIDGE? She says UHUH and rolls over. I think she was asleep. Not sure what that dream was about. Anyway, I go to our room get settled in finally at about 12 only to hear Claire stir. I go to check on her..hoping that she had pee'd and it woke her. Nope. Nothing. So I go back to our room and Milt stirs. He proceeds to tell me to shred it. SHRED IT? This was after about 30 seconds of mindless rambling that I could not decipher. So I bust out laughing and he whines something about not being fair he's asleep. haha. Everything is open game in this house my friend.
We get up this morning..I jaunt over to Claire's room, in hopes of getting pee for the cup. NOTHING. This child did not pee from 6pm until 9:30..none. So at 10 or so she finally did. You can imagine the delight Claire had when we undid her diaper and pulled adhesive off her crotch. She said "UHH UHH UHH" Like "Mommy what the heck are you doing??!?!" Anyway we got it and it's at the dr's office. Hopefully it will be clear and it was just a viral thing. She seems a little better today..not moaning and groaning. She hasn't eaten a lot but she's not so clingy..I'll take it.
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