
just dandy

we have to get rid of our youngest cat. we've given her more than enough chances. we have loved her as much if not more than the others. partly because lauren is so close to her. what am i going to tell lauren?? the cat got in her basket of clean clothes and pissed all over them. i am soooo mad i can barely think straight. i can't tolerate that. i don't know what to do i'm at a total loss about this. we've had her 4 years. with a dog coming there is no way she'll improve. not like she behaves now. she did it twice to the clothes..we didn't know about the one til milt started going through the clothes. we are just flabbergasted by this. i mean she's had her moments but never towards lauren's stuff. i am not happy but not sure what to do. she has to go soon. i am not letting my emotions and pity take over and keep her. she just does not fit in..we've tried and tried and i know milt will not let her stay now. it's just gotten to be too much. dangit i love that cat though..

she has her own personal cat litter box with those expensive crystals in them because she doesn't like the regular litter. we are talking about a diva here. i think it's just she wants ALL of our attention. it's not like she doesn't get plenty of it..but it's just not enough apparently. i can't sit around all day and pet her..i have 2 kids and 3 other cats and a dog on the way. she just needs a home with a little old lady with no other pets that can sit and pet her all day..lol how do you advertise a cat like that??


oh yeah go here for pictures of ms. cuteness with her best bud, Lauren.


pointless conversation

Claire begins yanking down the Little People airport off the toy chest.

Me: Claire!! NONO!! STOP!!

Claire:*looks up in surprise but continues yanking*


Claire:*yanks it down*

Me: Why did you just do that???

Claire:*smiles and utters nonsense*

Why did I bother???


still around

I really should post more often. Not sure why I don't. It's not like I'm never on the computer or something. Lauren started preschool yesterday. That was exciting. She did really well. At first she didn't want to go into her classroom, she wanted to go into the other one. The reason being, she spent a week in the other classroom for Vacation Bible School in August. Poor girl was confused. I finally convinced her to go the right room when I reminded her it was the room we had met her teacher in the week before. She goes again tomorrow. She is excited again. That makes me feel good and that we made the right decision to send her. For entertaining pictures see this link:


Also after the school pictures there are some of Claire making faces. She is quite comical. We spent the afternoon being goofs. After those pics are a few of Lauren trying on her Halloween costume. Yes it's early but hey she wanted it and I figured I better get it now while it's still available. Claire is going to be a monkey. She hardly needs a costume for that. She plays that role quite well everyday.

Post more soon. I hope!